Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Genesis 12-17 or Lech Lecha

Here is another great lap folder from the bible series, at Na’aseh VeNilmad.
This lap folder covers chapters 12-17 of the book of Genesis or the portion known as Lech Lecha.
You'll learn about how Abram uprooted himself , his wife and their followers from his birth land and followed Gods orders to go to the land of Canaan. You'll learn about his adventures in Egypt after a famine in Canaan forced him to move again.
You'll learn how he dealt with the troubles he had with his nephew Lot, and how he saved Lot from the hands of the victorious 4 kings.
Back on the home front you'll learn how Sarai dealt with being childless and about the birth of the Ishmaelite people.
Don't forget about the covenants god makes with Abram promising him that his offspring will be so great that he won't be able to count them. It is in this portion that G–d commanded us about the covenant of Circumcision.
We’ll hear about the promise that Sarai will have a child in her old age and why she called her child, Yitzhak (the Hebrew word for laugh). In this portion we also learn about the first official name changes.
So don't miss out on this new bible lap folder.
Above are some pictures to show you what the finished lap folder will look like.
Hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

extra extra read all about it!

Naaseh VeNilmad is announcing the grand opening of its new email group at Yahoo groups.
You can sign up at
When you join this news group you will be the first ones to find out about special sales, freebies and of course when new lap folders come out.
It will also act as a forum for any questions you might have about the lap folders.
You will also be able to post photos of finished lap folders in the photo section.
So come and Join now.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Shabbat Lapfolder

The Shabbat lap folder is now available for purchase.
In this lap folder you'll learn all about Shabbat, from how we prepare for Shabbat, to the special laws pertaining to Shabbat like lighting candles before Shabbat, Kiddush and Lechem Mishne. You'll learn why certain things are prohibited on Shabbat and what special ceremonies we perform to say goodbye to the Shabbat.
You can purchase this lap folder at for $9 or from directly from me for $8.00.
Here are some pictures to preview the lap folder.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Keep your eyes open because Naaseh Venilmad is soon coming out with the second lap folder in the bible series. This lap folder talks about the biblical portion of Noah, or Genesis 6-11. You'll learn about Noah, the flood and the ark he built under G-d’s instruction to save himself, his family and a male and female specimen of every living creature. You'll see what happens when Noah lands on ground after the flood. You'll learn about some of the commandments that God commanded Noah. You'll also learn about the tower of Babel, the historical event that created diversity in the world. Here is a preview of the lap folder. It also comes with instruction to make an adorable three dimensional Noah’s ark cake.
Have fun!

Names and other such stuff

Some of you might have noticed that on the cover page of my lap folders I used to write Dr. Ilana Ekstein Michelson and now I've started to write Dr. Elana Ekstein Michelson. Well there is a good reason for that. When I was born my parents wrote my name on my birth certificate as Elana Ekstein. But for some reason they didn't like my name spelled with an E. So they taught me to spell it with an I. So all my life I've been spelling it with an I until this past summer I had to do something at social security and they said to me. "On all official documents you need to spell your name with an e because that’s the way it is spelled on your birth certificate. In order not to get confused about where I spell it with an I and where I spell it with an E I decided to spell it with an E all the time. So from now on you'll see it spelled with an E.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Naaseh VeNilmads Chanukah lap folder is up for purchase! You can get it at for $9.00 or directly from me for $8.00.
In this lap folder you will learn about the story of Chanukah, what were the miracles of Chanukah, what are the customs and Mitzvot we have on Chanukah and the reason behind them. You will also learn about the special delicious foods it is customary to eat on Chanukah. Get a great recipe for Potato pancakes (one of the foods which is customary to eat on Chanukah)
Learn all this with the fun and creative activities Naaseh VeNilmad provides in all its lap folders.
Here are some pictures of what a finished Chanukah lap folder might look like. As always, feel free to attach the minute books and decorate the folder in any way that suits your needs best.
Have fun!

The Chanukah lapfolder is selling for $9 at the currclick site and for $8.50 directly from me through paypal.

The pictures I promised you

This is what a finished lap folder on the first 5 chapters of Genesis would look like. You of course can attach the images and decorate the folder as you see fit.
Since I will be making a lap folder on each of the sections of the Bible, you may want to make these lap folders in a notebook style so in the end you would have a notebook on each of the 5 books of Moses. That way it would be easier to leaf back and forth through the chapters to review the material and of course show it off. Anyway you look at it, it is plain learning fun.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Simchat Torah and the book of Genesis.

As I explained in my Sukkot Lap folder, Simchat Torah is the holiday in which we both finish reading the 5 books of the bible from last years cycle and begin reading the bible anew. The first portion that we read is called Parshat Bereishit. This portion talks about the creation of the world, and the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. You will learn about the first murder committed by Cain. You will learn about these stories in a fun and interactive way by reading the Bible and completing the 9 activities provided in the Bereishit genesis 1-5 lap folder.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

On the eve of Erev Sukkot

The bible series will start with the 5 books of the torah. It will be a very textual approach dealing with the stories of the bible straight from the text. You can teach the stories any way you see fit (but don't let your kids miss out on hearing the rich language of the bible). There will be plenty of opportunities for copy work from the bible and some thought questions as well. There will be lots of fun dessert suggestions to strengthen what you've learned. In our household we have a special dessert each week which has to do with the bible portion we learned that week. The children either have fun making the dessert with me or they have to guess the connection to the bible.
My kids are going to make the gingerbread Sukkah once again. It’s become a family tradition in our house after my children won first place with that Sukkah in our local Sukkah making contest.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Dr. Elana Michelson

Friday, September 5, 2008

New Lapfolders on the horizon

It’s been a while since my last post but don't think for a minute that I have been sitting here idly. No way! We have 3 new lap folders, hot from the oven about the upcoming holidays.
You will learn all about Rosh Hashanah, its customs and commandments, why we blow the shofar and why we eat apple and honey. There are stories from the Torah such as the story about Abraham bringing Isaac as a sacrifice. There are many activities that are just plain fun and connected to Rosh Hashanah.

For Yom Kippur, you'll learn what things are prohibited on this day, and what all the prayers are about? As a special bonus you'll get an interactive storybook about the book of Jonah (what we read on Yom Kippur). You'll also find out about some of the things that were done in the High Holy Temple on Yom Kippur.

As for Sukkot you'll find out why on earth we would move into a temporary hut for 7 days. Which temporary huts are Kosher and which are not? You will also learn which holidays are joined on to the holiday of Sukkot and why.

So hop over to and take a look.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Purim Lap folder.

I've already told you about Na'aseh VeNilmad in my last post and a little bit about our first lap folder on the Holiday of Purim. I am sure that all you folks out there who have already done some lap booking have some ideas of what a lap folder is, but for those of you who have never done a lap book or folder before, you have no idea what I am talking about. I know I had a difficult time imagining a lap book before I saw one. So to make it easier for you I'm give you a few free samples from the Purim lap folder so that you'll have an idea of what this product is all about.
First of all, here are a few photos which show you approximately how the finished product will look..

As I said before, this is just an example. Feel free to make your lapfolder look as similar or different as you want. Add stickers, draw more pictures etc... Use your imagination.

Now for the actual samples.
Aside from having a feast on the day of Purim it is also customary to eat a special cookie called Ozen Haman or Hamantachen. The Hamantachen is a cookie which is cut out as a circle from some sort of cookie dough, a spoon of filling (such as jelly or poppy seed or chocolate or peanut butter) is placed in the center of the circle and the sides are folded up to form a triangle. The triangle shape is supposed to represent either Haman’s hat or ear.

11) Recipe for Hamantachen (the three-cornered pocket cookie which is customarily eaten on Purim).



Cut the two circles and the triangle that can be found on the next three pages. Take circle number 2 and cut out the white triangle in the middle of it. You should now have three separated halves of an ellipse. Fold circle number one on the dotted lines, so that the colorful half-ellipses would face inside (at this stage, from the outside of the booklet, you should see only white parts). Now glue on the outer, blank side of each half-ellipse at circle number one, a half-ellipse from circle number two. Cut out triangle with recipe and glue onto empty triangle of circle 1.

Fold over the 3 sides to form a triangle and glue into lapfolder

It is believed that Haman comes from the family of Amalek. In the Bible, God commands us to erase the name of Amalek. Because we believe Haman to come from Amalek the Jews read this section of the Bible (Devarim -Deuteronomy 25:17) on the weekend before Purim in the synagogue. Because we want to erase the name of Amalek and his offspring, when we read the Story of Esther, whenever we hear the name Haman it is customary to make lots of noise. The Ra’ashan or Graggar (noise maker) has become the toyfor the holiday of Purim amongst the Jews. There are many variations on this toy and all of them are acceptable as long as they make noise.

13) Why do we make noise every time we hear the name Haman when reading the Megilah? Instructions for making a graggar (noise maker).

Cut out the 3 graggars. Fold all 3 graggars at dotted line. Glue all of their parts that are to the left of the dotted line to each other (one should be on the top, next is 2, and the bottom one is number 3). Write your answer on graggar number three. Glue minute-book inside your folder. Make your graggar according to the instructions and make lots of noise with it when you hear the name Haman.

If you are interested in more details please email me at