Friday, September 5, 2008

New Lapfolders on the horizon

It’s been a while since my last post but don't think for a minute that I have been sitting here idly. No way! We have 3 new lap folders, hot from the oven about the upcoming holidays.
You will learn all about Rosh Hashanah, its customs and commandments, why we blow the shofar and why we eat apple and honey. There are stories from the Torah such as the story about Abraham bringing Isaac as a sacrifice. There are many activities that are just plain fun and connected to Rosh Hashanah.

For Yom Kippur, you'll learn what things are prohibited on this day, and what all the prayers are about? As a special bonus you'll get an interactive storybook about the book of Jonah (what we read on Yom Kippur). You'll also find out about some of the things that were done in the High Holy Temple on Yom Kippur.

As for Sukkot you'll find out why on earth we would move into a temporary hut for 7 days. Which temporary huts are Kosher and which are not? You will also learn which holidays are joined on to the holiday of Sukkot and why.

So hop over to and take a look.

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