It’s been a while since last post, and we are currently celebrating Pesach. As we all know, learning never stops and what better time to learn about the historical background of the Holiday of Pesach straight from the source, the bible. The first 4 Portions in the book of Exodus (Shemot, Bo, Vaera and Beshalach), give you the story of Pesach. It starts with the beginning of the Israelite slavery, continues with the birth of the leader of the Israelites (Moshe), and tells us of his growth into the Israelite leader. The bible continues by recounting the 10 plagues G-d brought upon the Egyptians to teach them and the world about G-d and ends with the splitting of the sea. Learn with your child this rich history with the fun activities you've come to know and love from Na'aseh VeNilmad.
As it is late and I can't seem to load the pictures tonight I will do that next post.
But if you are really curious take a look at
They are selling for 3.95 each at, or for $3.50 directly from me.
Just contact me at and I'll show you how to order.
Have a great day, process